News, Interviews & Commentaries

Atlantic and Pacific oscillations lost in the noise (Jan 3, 2020)

Penn State Press releases on the new article by Dr. Mann's team just out

‘A tipping point is playing out right now’ says climate scientist Michael Mann (Jan 2, 2020)

Dr. Mann's interview on climate change and unprecedented Australian brushfires with Joe O'Brien of ABC News

How Your Climate Actions Are Being Used Against You (Dec 31, 2019)

Dr. Mann's interview with Kait Parker & The Weather Channel

We Spoke To 5 Climate Experts About What Gives Them Hope (Dec 26, 2019)

Dr. Mann joins the talk hosted by Kyla Mandel via Huffpost

Were the predictions we made about climate change 20 years ago accurate? Here's a look (Dec 24, 2019)

Doyle Rice explains how close we've got to the predictions for climate change 20 years ago via USA TODAY

Earth's Hottest Decade on Record Capped by Years of Extreme Storms and Deadly Wildfires (Dec 18, 2019)

Bob Berwyn for InsideClimate News reviews the extremes happened in the last decade under climate change background.

Holding Big Polluters Liable For Destroying the Climate (Dec 13, 2019)

Dr. Mann's interview with Sam Seder on the Ring of Fire Sam Seder Show

The Party That Ruined the Planet: Republican climate denial is even scarier than Trumpism (Dec 12, 2019)

Paul Krugman's critique on the Republican Party's climate policy for the New York Times

Scientists and Activists Examine Need for Climate Action (Dec 12, 2019)

Written by Randy Showstack for American Geophysical Union

Climate scientists try to cut their own carbon footprints (Dec 8, 2019)

Seth Borenstein's article on climate scientists' individual effort to reduce carbon footprints via Associated Press

Arctic warming in last decade same as whole Earth’s in past century: Study (Dec 7, 2019)

Daily Excelsior reports on the study that shows significant Arctic warming

If We Don’t Limit Global Warming To 2°C, This Is The Polar Regions' Depressing Future (Dec 5, 2019)

Tom Hale depicts the depressing future of warming global regions via Iflscience.

Warming in Polar Regions Already Spelling Disaster for Rest of Globe (Dec 4, 2019)

Carson McCullough's discussion on impact of warming polar on the rest of the globe according to a recent study published in Science Advances, via Courthouse News Service.

Outlook for the Polar Regions in a 2 Degrees Warmer World (Dec 4, 2019)

Kat Kelvins' gives a outlook for a 2 degrees warmer world, published by UC Davis.

Warming at the poles will soon be felt globally in rising seas, extreme weather (Dec 4, 2019)

Cheryl katz for National Geographic explores the consequences likely brought by fast-pacing warming at the poles in the near future. 

Hotter weather is causing babies to come early. Nearly 70,000 US moms could go into early labor each year by 2100, a study predicts (Dec 3, 2019)

Aylln Woodward's article reveals the possibility of increasing threat to newborn babies brought by hotter weather, causing babies to come early, via Business Insider US.

Climate change: where science and politics collide (Dec 3, 2019)

Michael Mann's conversation with Marty Moss-Coane and Ed Maibach via WHYY Radio Times (includes viewer call-in questions)

Pelosi Represents America at the Madrid Climate Conference (Dec 1, 2019)

Dr. Mann's interview on Trump, COP25 and Climate progress with Lan Masters of Ian Masters Media KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles

UN: 'Quick wins' needed to reach climate goals (Nov 29, 2019)

A wide ranging interview between Michael Mann and Katy Tur with MSNBC live

Why Despair May be the Greatest Threat to the Planet (Nov 28, 2019)

Greg Harman explains the threats could brought by climate despair to the planet via Deceleration.

Letter: Letter spread untruths about climate change (Nov 26, 2019)

Michael Mann's response to denialist nonsense at the The Eagle-Tribune

Supreme Court allows climate scientist’s defamation case to proceed (Nov 26, 2019)

Scott K. Johnson's article on Supreme court's preceding on the case of climate scientist's defamation via Arstechnica.

Supreme Court won't throw out climate scientist's defamation suit against National Review (Nov 25, 2019)

"The Supreme Court decided Monday not to intervene in a defamation suit by Michael Mann against National Review." by Devan Cole for CNN.

SCOTUS Passes on Conservatives’ Feud with Climate Scientist (Nov 25, 2019)

Ellen M. Glimer's reports on the refusal of Supreme Court to intervene Dr. Mann's case via Bloomberg Law

How the Climategate Email Hack Laid the Foundations for the Fake News Era (Nov 17, 2019)

Brendan Montague reviews on the Climategate Email Hack via Desmog

How Forbes Got the "Climate Debate" Ridiculously Wrong (Nov 16, 2019)

Melanie Dawn discusses the errors Forbes made in their recent article about climate debate.

"Climategate" is a Decade Old. All it Exposed is the Bad Faith of Climate Deniers (Nov 14, 2019)

Dr. Mann latest commentary for Newsweek discussing on Deniers's bad faith a decade after "Climategate".

Dr. Mann's Latest interview with BBC (Nov 13, 2019)

Dr. Michael Mann's recent interview with BBC News on the role of individual action and systemic change in tackling climate change, beginning at 27:03.

For Florida, dangerous climate change has arrived (Nov 12, 2019)

Dr. Michael Mann and Andrea Dutton's op-ed article for the Tampa Bay Times.

US Withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement Will Cause ‘Real Harm’ (Nov 8, 2019)

Dr. Mann's latest interview with The Real News Network on U.S recent withdrawal from Pairs Climate Agreement.

Climategate: Science of a Scandal, BBC4 — a global storm of controversy (Nov 8, 2019)

BBC Four reveals story behind a hacking case that derailed a UN conference and tried to sway nations on global concern via Suzi Feay of Financial Time

Worst reasons for Trump to quit the Paris climate pact, unranked (Nov 4, 2019)

Mark Kaufman for Mashable discusses the worst reasons to quit the Paris Climate Pact.

California wildfires: Climate change driving ‘horror and the terror’ of devastating blazes, say scientists (Nov 2, 2019)

Andrew Buncombe for Independent states that the fires in California are not new, but getting more serve than ever due to climate change.

As 16 wildfires blaze in California, scientists say "climate change impacts are no longer subtle (Oct 30, 2019)

Matthew Rozsa's ariticle on explaining the impacts of climate change on California Wildfires via Salon.

Climate Change is Burning Down California. It's Time We Stopped Adding Fuel To the Fire (Oct 29, 2019)

Dr. Mann's latest commentary for Newsweek on recent catastrophic wildfires in California.

Dr. Mann Speaks at PBS Newshour on Catastrophic Wildfires (Oct 28, 2019)

Dr. Mann Speaks at PBS Newshour on intensifying catastrophic wildfires.

Global warming could cause cooling — yes, cooling — in some parts of the world (Oct 28, 2019)

Don Paul explains why global warming can cause cooling in some parts on the planet via The Buffalo News.

Addressing the Health Risks of Climate Change in Older Adults (Oct 25, 2019)

Dr. Mann coauthors with other scientists warning the health risks of climate change in older people via Healio

Why It’s Not Too Late to Fight Climate Change, Weather Science, and Overcoming Denialism with Michael Mann (Oct 22, 2019)

Michael Mann joins Adam Conover to explain the science behind climate change, how to fight denialism​, and much more.

Why 'doomism' is part of the latest frontier in the climate wars (Oct 19, 2019)

Dr. Mann's interview with Deborah Snow of The Sydney Morning Herald.